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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

Black Sabbath - Coven

Black Sabbath Coven Lyrics: They journeyed far to Brocken Mountain pinnacle. A gathering of dread, an awesome spectacle. Each in his hand, a candle of black. Their faces grave, a deathlike mask. The prince assumed the person of the goat, Reigning upon his throne distant and far remote. The cauldrons boiled as the fires burned. The deep'ning shadows, two figures turned. Bubbling pots of ungents and potions, Flames revealing the obscene motions. Old hags murmur in evil ranting! Voices grow louder and join in the chanting. Infants' flesh they did offer For the prince to devour. Covens join, all combine, Powers strong, thoughts align. If witchcraft all the fools condemn, It turns around and crushes them. When good has been twisted, When good has been killed, Then love is resisted and blood will be spilled. Accursed ye'll be! From toes to eyes! Accursed ye'll be! Until ye dies! -----------------------

Witch Hunt - Rush

Witch Hunt Rush Lyrics: The night is black, Without a moon. The air is thick and still. The vigilantes gather on The lonely torchlit hill. Features distorted in the flickering light, The faces are twisted and grotesque. Silent and stern in the sweltering night, The mob moves like demons possessed. Quiet in conscience, calm in their right, Confident their ways are best. The righteous rise With burning eyes Of hatred and ill-will. Madmen fed on fear and lies To beat and burn and kill. They say there are strangers who threaten us, In our immigrants and infidels. They say there is strangeness, too dangerous In our theatres and bookstore shelves, That those who know what's best for us Must rise and save us from ourselves. Quick to judge, Quick to anger, Slow to understand Ignorance and prejudice And fear Walk hand in hand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

The Camera Eye - Rush

The Camera Eye Rush Lyrics: I. Grim-faced and forbidding, Their faces closed tight, An angular mass of New Yorkers Pacing in rhythm, Race the oncoming night, They chase through the streets of Manhattan. Head-first humanity, Pause at a light, Then flow through the streets of the city. They seem oblivious To a soft spring rain, Like an English rain So light, yet endless From a leaden sky. The buildings are lost In their limitless rise. My feet catch the pulse And the purposeful stride. I feel the sense of possibilities, I feel the wrench of hard realities. The focus is sharp in the city. II. Wide-angle watcher On life's ancient tales, Steeped in the history of London. Green and grey washes In a wispy white veil Mist in the streets of Westminster. Wistful and weathered, The pride still prevails, Alive in the streets of the city. Are they oblivious To this quality? A quality Of light unique t

Limelight - Rush

Limelight Rush Lyrics: Living on a lighted stage Approaches the unreal For those who think and feel In touch with some reality Beyond the gilded cage. Cast in this unlikely role, Ill-equipped to act, With insufficient tact, One must put up barriers To keep oneself intact. Living in the Limelight, The universal dream For those who wish to seem. Those who wish to be Must put aside the alienation, Get on with the fascination, The real relation, The underlying theme. Living in a fisheye lens, Caught in the camera eye. I have no heart to lie, I can't pretend a stranger Is a long-awaited friend. All the world's indeed a stage, And we are merely players, Performers and portrayers, Each another's audience Outside the gilded cage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Letra: Viviendo sobre un escenario iluminado se acerca lo irreal para aquellos que pien

Changes - Yes

Changes Yes Lyrics: I'm moving through some changes I'll never be the same Something you did touched me There's no one else to blame The love we had has fallen The love we used to share We've given up pretending As if you didn't care Change changing places Root yourself to the ground Capitalize on this good fortune One word can bring you round Changes I look into the mirror I see no happiness All the warmth I gave you Has turned to emptiness The love we had has fallen The love we used to share You've left me here believing In love that wasn't there Change changing places Root yourself to the ground Word to the wise - Well you get what's coming One word can bring you round Changes When I look into your eyes and try to find out how There's no way to save it now And everything I feel Changes Keep looking for Changes Changes For some reason you're questioning w

Red Barchetta - Rush

Red Barchetta Rush Lyrics: My uncle has a country place That no one knows about. He says it used to be a farm, Before the Motor Law. And on Sundays I elude the Eyes, And hop the Turbine Freight To far outside the Wire, Where my white-haired uncle waits. Jump to the ground As the Turbo slows to cross the Borderline. Run like the wind, As excitement shivers up and down my spine. Down in his barn, My uncle preserved for me an old machine, For fifty-odd years. To keep it as new has been his dearest dream. I strip away the old debris That hides a shining car. A brilliant red Barchetta From a better, vanished time. I fire up the willing engine, Responding with a roar. Tires spitting gravel, I commit my weekly crime... Wind! In my hair! Shifting and drifting! Mechanical music! Adrenalin surge... Well-weathered leather, Hot metal and oil, The scented country air. Sunlight on chrome, The blur of the landsca

Heart - Yes

Heart Yes Lyrics: Hearing - Talking - Yes I - Love you Set your heart sail on the river Look around you as you drift downstream Hearing Pouring souls into the ocean Talking Take account of all you've seen Love you One people - Together Freedom for today So easy the future So see the children's way Love me Teach me Know me One people - Together Freedom for today Tomorrow forever So see the people's way Many moons cascade one river They light from side to side As we cross in close proximity Like rivers our hearts entwine How we talk - How we teach our children How we move - We direct our eyes All the senses tuned discovery As and as and when our hearts decide Be ready now - Be ye circle Be the central force ye life As the game extends the cycle Be ready to move One heart's for love Hearts One's for giving Sailing down the river Two hearts are better Hearts Than one Throwing out a li