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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2022

We'll Be Back - Megadeth

 We'll Be Back Megadeth Lyrics: The timing is right to exact my revenge Spilling enemy blood, I will fight to the end No more lying-in wait, just to even the score There's a price to be paid, now it's time for war   I'm a soldier of fortune, of torture, and pain I bash in your skull until no teeth remain A 'most-deadly' weapon, pulverizing your head With each crushing blow, how you wish you were dead   Just when you think it's safe, I attack We'll be back When you least expect your fate, I attack We'll be back A kick to your face, one move, big mistake We'll be back Let down your guard, full-on frontal attack I'll be back!   No use screaming for mercy, no use makin' a sound Still, you step right up, and get smacked back down In the heat of battle, blood congeals on the floor Another life-force bleeds out, another soul out the door   Antisocial, sadistic, the "Deity of War" I stuff body bags, and I'm packing the morgue No