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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

Sickle And Peace - Mastodon

   Sickle And Peace Mastodon Lyrics: Please excuse the madness Of the situation I am in Are we only united For we both share the cause of this   You choose to apply logic It’s hard to ply where there is none My detonation is unknown Allow the man to walk in his shoes from here   Death comes and brings with him sickle and peace Shelter from storms comes with long flowing robes   Justifying all your control I cease to mourn what never could be No feeling is ever final Just another scar I wear and hold dear   Death comes and brings with him sickle and peace Shelter from storms comes with long flowing robes   Falling down and losing ground Save me from myself All I’ve seen and all I know I have not been this low   Now I stand up on my own Learning from myself Where I’ve been and where I’ll go Still remains unknown   Death comes and brings with him sickle and peace   Shelter from storms comes with long flowing robes ----------------------------------------------------------------------

A View From The Top Of The World - Dream Theater

 A View From The Top Of The World Dream Theater Lyrics: The fire that burns within us To carry out a dream Chasing new ambitions Determined to succeed To stretch beyond our limits To blaze a brand new trail Bold enough to conquer Brave enough to fail   Sheer determination Taking nerves of steel Always digging deeper Danger all too real   To rise above the challenge To push to the extreme To the daring, there can be no in between   See a view from the top of the world Take a ride on the crest of a wave The adrenaline rush over and over again See a view from the top of the world   All my natural instincts Are begging me to stop But somehow I carry on Heading for the top A physical absurdity A tremendous mental game Helping me understand Exactly who I am   To face a new adventure To conquer the insane Lured into madness Addicted to the pain Reaching for the summit On the threshold of defeat Rightfully j

Awaken The Master - Dream Theater

 Awaken The Master Dream Theater Lyrics: Finding your way On a frozen path where the air is thin The angel of balance Keeps you alive   A flower unfolds A heartbeat brings new meaning to the universe The angel of balance Keeps you strong Discovering what has been all along   Spinning through life Lost in the spiral of time   Turning the stone Circles of darkness and light Remember hereafter   You made it to the top Just to find out You're only halfway there All along missing the point of the journey   The will of the soul Like a peak so high You look inside to rise Searching out a dream Climbing, reaching further And the voices of the angels bring you closer   Spinning through life Lost in the spiral of time   Turning the stone Circles of darkness and light Remember hereafter   Spinning through life Lost in the spiral of time   Turning the stone Circles of darkness and light   Spinning

Transceding Time - Dream Theater

 Trasceding Time Dream Theater Lyrics: Drifting in a far off place I roam the countryside Seeking wings of thought Waiting in the blind   Enchanted and transfixed I am pulled into the still By a backward ticking clock Held against my will   Illusions turn to dust Scatter to the wind Like dreaming while awake   Signals in the mist Altered state of mind Stars in the abyss Transcending time   Midnight in the garden Digging for a spark Where seeds of inspiration Lie buried in the dark   Attention starts to wonder As the poet lifts his pen And the critic from within Is silenced once again   Limits leave no trace Ashes in the rain Lost and far away   Signals in the mist Altered state of mind Stars in the abyss Transcending time   Signals in the mist Stars in the abyss   Euphoric obsession Without conscious intention Being pulled by the current On a vessel steered by someone else   Transcend

Sleeping Giant - Dream Theater

 Sleeping Giant Dream Theater Lyrics: Some will be driven by conflict Others will fight the good fight Some will rely on the darkness Some will rely on the light Some elevate with compassion Yearning for knowledge and peace Some motivate through aggression Selfishly serve their own needs   Shadows disappear at night Buried out of fear Driven underground Hidden lies the rage inside Like a ticking bomb That doesn't make a sound   People will obsess With suffering and death Questioning their own desires This morbid fascination Renders us possessed By our violent and destructive side   When we lay our armor down Fragments of our love Slip through the cracks of hate But the raging storm below Will never go away If it is not embraced   Shadows disappear at night Buried out of fear Driven underground Hidden lies the rage inside Like a ticking bomb That doesn't make a sound   Shadows disappear at night Har

Answering The Call - Dream Theater

 Answering The Call Dream Theater Lyrics: White walls, glisten Empires, crimson Aching within Raging fire   Sovereign, asphyxiate No conscience A solemn state Misguide, indoctrinate Accepted long held views   When will there be a day when all of us Trust in love and peace? Burns bright for us When will the long-held truth be cast aside? Embrace our fellow man, no longer vilified   Radiant we'll shine Heart and soul, one mind Illuminating all Answering the call   Decisions by which to act Programmed, no turning back Call upon a switch turned on An ultimate price to pay   Weeping mother too late to cry Hold the truth, can't ignore the lie Time to look it in the eye   When will there be a day when all of us Trust and know in love and peace When will the long held truth be cast aside Embrace our fellow man, no longer vilified   Radiant we'll shine Heart and soul, one mind Illuminating all Answ

Teadrinker - Mastodon

 Teadrinker Mastodon Lyrics: Within a bruised heart I'll just say when Just one time before It will come again Little voice inside Inside my head Tell me when it's time to turn around again   All appears to fade away   I can see your face And I feel the pain And I feel the shame that I have let you down again People everywhere Not a drop to drink Not a dare to think about the damage I have done   Try to give up what weighs What weighs you down The only control you have Is all your own Do I fit the pieces Together again Or do I leave them lying on the floor?   All appears to fade away   I can see your face And I feel the pain And I feel the shame that I have let you down again People everywhere Not a drop to drink Not a dare to think about the damage I have done   Leaving you behind Is the hardest thing I've done Asking where did I go wrong? I wonder what all of this makes Does fortune favor th