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Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

Into The Coven - Mercyful Fate

 Into The Coven Mercyful Fate Lyrics: Howl like a wolf And a witch will open the door Follow me and meet our High Priestess   Come, come into my Coven And become Lucifer's Child   Undress until you're naked And put on this white coat Take this white cross and go to the middle of the ring   Come, come into my Coven And become Lucifer's Child   Suck the blood from this unholy knife Say after me: my soul belongs to Satan   Now, now you're into my Coven You are Lucifer's Child Into the Coven Lucifer's Child ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Letra: Aúlla como un lobo Y una bruja abrirá la puerta Sígueme y conoce a nuestra Suma Sacerdotisa   Ven, entra en mi aquelarre Y conviértete en el hijo de Lucifer   Despójate de la ropa hasta que estés desnudo Y ponte esta bata blanca Toma esta cruz blanca y ve al centro del círculo   Ven, entra en mi aqu

Curse Of The Pharaons - Mercyful Fate

 Curse Of The Pharaons Mercyful Fate Lyrics: Away out in Egypt in the Valley of Kings Where the mummified Pharaohs Pretend dead in their sleep   Don't touch, never ever steal Unless you're in for the kill Or you'll be hit by the curse of the Pharaohs Yes you'll be hit and the curse is on you   Now if you breaking the seals And disturbing the peace Then you're startin' up a curse Bringin' evil disease   Don't touch, never ever steal Unless you're in for the kill Or you'll be hit by the curse of the Pharaohs Yes you'll be hit and the curse is on you   The curse of the pharaohs can be so deadly Or just destroying your future Makin' it all shady   Don't touch, never ever steal Unless you're in for the kill Or you'll be hit by the curse of the Pharaohs Yes you'll be hit and the curse is on you ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Satan's Fall - Mercyful Fate

 Satan's Fall Mercyful Fate Lyrics: They're walking by the night The Moon has frozen blue Long black coats a shelter from the rain Their load must get through   Now bats are leaving their trees They're joining the call Seven Satanic Hell Preachers Heading for the hall   Bringing the blood of a newborn child They've got to succeed, if not it's Satan's fall   Home... come home Evil messengers with blood stained wings Home... come home Home... come home   Is it Satan's fall? No... it's Satan's call Craniums high on stakes It's Satan's epigraph Something new can't erase... 666 They call him the beast   Use your demon eyes, uncover the disguise Time is out... Yeah, I don't need your God On the law of Satan Pray and obey it forever Oh the law of Satan   Innocent lovers... it's a lie   Iron fists won't do no good against the evil eyes Of seven holy Hell Preach

Death Of Me - Gojira

 Death Of Me Gojira Lyrics: A giant bright eagle has come On me and taken away my universe I find myself in trouble now I put my soul in irresponsible hands   Exhausted I no longer try to reveal myself And I no longer want to free my soul But I must not forget all what I did for us This way I feel myself irreplaceable   You had finally come to death And you will never come to life again Burn ego's black reality Bring on the light I want to see your face   I feel the end is near for me my world goodbye People of the dead, I join you In this confusion I don't even recall my name There is something inside I want to reveal   I feel like I'm a part of this And this a part of me I know one must have confidence I will overcome   From now on I'm "this", and not "me" I feel like I'm rising from the dead From up here I see my inner world is dying I'll overcome my pain --------------------

Cyanide - Helloween

Cyanide Helloween Lyrics: Give the power to the people Just enough To sense it's not a bluff Make we know it's my desire That I played my game Keep me lame and tame   This is my life Hands off This is my life Hands off   My heart you bind with a price My mind you fry with your lies Yes you try to feed me Your exploitive Cyanide   Always tell em what to care for And what to fear My panic gives you cheer In my paranoia nightmare I follow blind A promise well designed   This is my life Hands off This is my life Hands off   My heart you bid with a price My mind you fry with your lies Yes you try to feed me Your exploitive Cyanide Cyanide Cyanide   My heart you bid with a price My mind you fry with your lies Yes you try to feed me Your Cyanide My heart you bid with a price My mind you fry with your lies Yes you try to feed me Your exploitive Cyanide Cyanide Cyanide Cyanide ----------

The Link - Gojira

 The Link Gojira Lyrics: He who learns must suffer I want to protect myself let others Dream, I run to a better place Hell, illusions, see This state of me unconscious Cannot Want to undertake to feel my soul I want to build some fire Burn myself I decide what I see   Call my name, I'll be there for you   Wrong and right I want to create things Beyond, insight Life I want to build some fire Run to myself, dive   Find a link between wrong and right Understand, you create what you are Be the link, you are what you create   And now comes fire Left and right connected Call my name I'll be there I am there for you now Understand, you create what you are ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Letra: El que aprende debe sufrir Quiero protegerme, dejar a los demás Sueño, corro a un lugar mejor infierno, ilusiones, veo Este estado de mi inconsciente No puedo Quier

Wisdom Comes - Gojira

 Wisdom Comes Gojira Lyrics: He who learns must suffer And even in our sleep Pain that cannot forget Falls drop by drop upon the heart   And in our own despair Against our will Comes wisdom to us By the awful grace of god   Ease your pain I cannot With suffering I don't   He who learns must suffer And even in our sleep Pain falls drop by drop Upon the heart   Against our will Wisdom comes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Letra: El que aprende debe sufrir E incluso en nuestro sueño Dolor que no se puede olvidar Cae gota a gota sobre el corazón   Y en nuestra propia desesperación Contra nuestra voluntad Viene la sabiduría a nosotros Por la terrible gracia de dios   Alivia tu dolor No puedo Con el sufrimiento Yo no   El que aprende debe sufrir E incluso en nuestro sueño El dolor cae gota a gota Sobre el corazón   Contra nuestra voluntad V

Over The Flows - Gojira

 Over The Flows Gojira Lyrics: Over the flows I take my time I search and turn around Watching the stars I want to dive in the sky Deep inside of me   Over the sky I found a place I can be No need to run Follow my heart I understand why and when And what it's all about   Watching the signs Dancing all around Over the flows I find now a way Speak the words Already know And now I learn Open the door ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Letra: Sobre los flujos Me tomo mi tiempo Busco y doy la vuelta Mirando las estrellas Quiero bucear en el cielo Muy dentro de mí   Sobre el cielo Encontré un lugar donde puedo estar No hay necesidad de correr Sigo mi corazón Entiendo por qué y cuándo Y de qué se trata   Mirando las señales Bailando por todos lados Sobre los flujos Ahora encuentro un camino Habla las palabras Ya saben Y ahora aprendo Abre la p

Rise Without Chains - Helloween

 Rise Without Chains  Helloween Lyrics: Only illusion, a bad dream confusion They know it's just false denial I say adjacent lies something so ancient A world where a soul can fly   Over the land to an ocean and strand But don't ever You should never   Rise without chains Rise without chains Hold it tight, don't fain To rise up too high Fly not too high My oh my, don't try, no   Silver in color and thin like a fiber The chain you may never break Tight, hold it tight when you're out there and fight The temptation to not awake   Hover and rise like a god of the skies But don't ever You should never   Rise without chains Rise without chains Hold it tight, don't fain To rise up too high Rise not too high My oh my, you should never, never, never   Over the land to an ocean and strand Hover and rise You should never   Rise without chains Rise without chains Hold it tight, don't f