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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020

Take On The World - Judas Priest

Take On The World Judas Priest Lyrics: Got to leave your seat, gotta get up upon your feet, Gonna move ya to the rhythm till you never can stop. We got the power, we got the music, and you betcha that we can use it, Gonna take it rock-bottom, gonna take it to the top. Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard, And together we will take on all the world. Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard, And together we will take on all the world. Move a little nearer, you know you got to follow your leaders, 'Cause we need you, like you need us for sure. We're gonna drive ya, we're gonna ride ya, we're gonna get right inside ya, And if you wanna keep going, just shout out for more! Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard, And together we will take on all the world. Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard, And together we will take on all the world. Sing your song, we'll li

Evening Star - Judas Priest

Evening Star Judas Priest Lyrics: I traveled to a distant shore I felt I had to go An inner voice had called me there But why I did not know I saw the evening star rise up Shining out to sea And now I understand at last what it means What it all means Evening star I can see the light Evening star guiding me so bright I used to tempt fate I couldn't see straight I faltered through my younger days Never knowing where I was going Then something helped me penetrate the haze Evening star I can see the light Evening star guiding me so bright Now I am stronger The haze no longer Will veil my future destiny Such inspirations and new sensations Though nothing strange has changed in me Evening star I can see the light Evening star guiding me so bright I'm home once more, much better for The things that I have found Much wiser now, so simple how Each time I turn around I see the evening star rise up Shining o

Routes - Lamb Of God

Routes Lamb Of God Lyrics: A black snake beneath the ground, extinction dripping from his mouth  Poisons water, hearts of men who choke the sky and rape the land  A legacy of endless greed and manifested destiny  Draws a map of stolen names, the truth is known but nothing’s changed.  But on the bitter winds, we fly (I come to you)  To where the seven fires burn, we ride (to stand with you)  A hundred years and more have passed since blood was spilled that greased the grass  Across the river hired guns are standing on a hill of bones  They built a deadly liquid road, a deed to that which can’t be owned  Beneath the eyes of iron hawks I stand with those who won’t be bought.  Yes on the bitter winds, we fly (I come to you)  To where the seven fires burn, we ride (to stand with you)  A black snake beneath the ground, extinction dripping from his mouth  Poisons water, hearts of men who choke the sky and rape the land.  To the sky voices sin

Rock Forever - Judas Priest

Rock Forever Judas Priest Lyrics: When the day is over, I like to ease my mind By jucin' up my system, With the beat of a heavy kind I smack a bottle open, I crank the hi-fi high I'm in-a seventh heaven Ooh I can touch the sky I'm in love, so in love And I can't stop talking 'bout my rock forever It starts to move into me, Just how I can't explain, It's like a brilliant sunshine, After standing in the pouring rain My skin begins to tingle, Ooh right on down my back. It's really got me fevered, Pounding my senses flat. I'm in love, so in love And I can't stop talking 'bout my rock forever Rock - rock - rock forever (I love it) Rock - rock - rock forever (my fever) Rock - rock - rock forever (always gonna) Rock - rock - rock forever I can't stop talkin' about...rock... Now get it right, boys... So when you get those blue days, Here's just what to do Switch in

El Hombre Delgado Que No Flaqueará Jamás - Bunbury

El Hombre Delgado Que No Flaqueará Jamás Bunbury Soy un explorador solitario Que perdió la brújula y el mapa Y ustedes me han visto siempre en acto de servicio Dándolo todo a punto de perder la vida Desnudo como la piel del primer día Soy el hombre delgado que no flaqueará jamás Mis deseos no serán sino nidos abandonados Y son insuficientes las explicaciones que nos han dado Yo lucharé contra todos los que digan lo mismo que yo Y no me contradigan Soy el hombre delgado que no flaqueará jamás Y querías ser libre pero que no te pasará nada Siento una simpatía natural y espontánea Hacia las cosas extraordinarias Y he debido de estar en este lugar sin darme cuenta Soy el hombre delgado que no flaqueará jamás Soy el hombre delgado que no flaqueará jamás Veo misterios en algunas mujeres Y detectives en los hombres de hoy Saldré esta noche a embrutecerme un poco Y ya perdonaran si monto un follón Voy con la firme intención de caldear el

Las Palabras - Bunbury

Las Palabras Bunbury Letra: Las palabras dejarán de brotar Sin querer matar dejan heridos No han querido faltar a la verdad Y las sinceridad no va contigo Las palabras escogen el momento Prefieren el silencio a tanto ruido Han decidido callar Y dejar a los demás seguir por su camino Un paso primero, el otro a continuación Hay quien prefiere continuar dormido Y no tiene sentido hablar a la pared Sí knock, knock, knock, knock no responde usted Auh, auh-uh-uh Si las palabras se enredan en espiral Flotando en la ebriedad de la melancolía Preferirían realidad testimonial A una mentira cochina Las palabras te pueden alcanzar A golpes de rima y de kung-fu A contraluz y en sombras Las nombras y son tuyas y de nadie más Un paso primero, el otro a continuación Hay quien prefiere continuar dormido Y no tiene sentido hablar a la pared Sí knock, knock, knock, knock no responde usted Auh, auh-uh-uh Auh, auh-uh-uh

Los Términos de mi Rendición - Bunbury

Los Términos de mi Rendición Bunbury Letra: Ahora que uno se explota a sí mismo Y cree que está realizándose Que los extraños te tratan como a un amigo Antes era un coloso, ahora un vampiro Y escribo Con el desorden De la urgencia Sé que el romper de una ola No puede explicar todo el mar Y he renunciado a demasiado en los últimos años Realizando un esfuerzo total Para un modesto resultado Sé que lo que es normal para la araña Es el puto caos para una mosca Y que es difícil derrotar A alguien que no se rinde Hoy escribo Con el desorden De la urgencia Sé que el romper de una ola No puede explicar todo el mar Y he renunciado a demasiado en los últimos años Realizando un esfuerzo total Para un modesto resultado Sin desviarse de la norma El progreso no puede avanzar Pero ningún placer parece que dure lo suficiente Si sigo aquí, tumbado en el parque Me da la impresión de que no me pierdo ya nada

Delivering The Goods - Judas Priest

Delivering The Goods Judas Priest Lyrics: Feeling like we're, ready to kick tonight No hesitating, my bodies aching Looking for some action, satisfaction all right Charging, vein faced, as active as one-hundred solid proof Megaton, Leviathan, we're ready to hit the roof You better watch out and hold on tight We're heading your way like dynamite Uhhh, Delivering the goods Uhhh, Delivering the goods Shake down, rock 'em boys, crack that whip strap mean Pulse rate, air waves, battle lies in every place we've been Stealing your hearts all across the land Hot blood doing good, we're going to load you with our brand You better watch out and hold on tight We're heading your way like dynamite Uhhh, Delivering the goods Yeah, Delivering the goods Have it your way Stealing your hearts Well we don't pull no punches, we aim where the crunch is Bound to do most damage to your brain If you're looking f

Bringing Back The Balls To Rock - Lordi

Bringin Back The Balls To Rock Lordi Lyrics: Attention class! - Here we come We kick your ass - That's lesson one I know you've been living in heresy Correction's what you need Less isn't more - less is less The more, the better - the most, the best You gotta turn up the amps past overload Eardrums will explode We are what we want to be Monsters of rock, we are for real Stand up for what you believe (and shout!) Hail in the name of rock and roll Hail in the name of rock and roll Hail in the name of rock and roll Bringing back the balls, bringing back the balls to rock Breathing fire, spitting blood Biting off the heads of bats and doves Dragon boots and guillotines That's what I want to see We're the SMF with metal hearts Got love machines, we're breaking the law We've got the looks that kill We're the youth gone wild We're the creatures of the night We are what we want to be

Hard Rock Hallelujah - Lordi

Hard Rock Hallelujah Lordi Lyrics: Hard Rock Hallelujah! The saints are crippled On this sinners' night Lost are the lambs with no guiding light The walls come down like thunder The rocks about to roll It's The Arockalypse Now bare your soul All we need is lightning With power and might Striking down the prophets of false As the moon is rising Give us the sign Now let us rise up in awe Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah Demons and angels all in one have arrived Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujah In God's creation supernatural high The true believers Thou shall be saved Brothers and sisters keep strong in the faith On the day of Rockoning It's who dares, wins You will see the jokers soon'll be the new kings All we need is lightning With power and might Striking down the prophets of false As the moon is rising Give us the sign Now let us rise up i

Ahora - Bunbury

Ahora Bunbury Letra: Ahora que el tiempo ha pasado Y he dejado de lado la competición Que veo mas claro Que escucho mejor Doy gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí Ahora que han pasado los años Intensamente vividos, exprimidos Sigo en forma, no estoy cansado Y tengo decidido retrasar el final Ahora puedo decirlo mas alto Pero no puedo mas claro Todo lo que en el mundo he amado Es una canción, un teatro y a ti Ahora que no pueden hacerme daño Que tengo sus aplausos y los besos que tu me das Que aburrido, que desgraciado Sin tenerte a mi lado y sin poderles cantar Ahora puedo decirlo mas alto Pero no puedo mas claro Todo lo que en el mundo he amado Es una canción, un teatro y a ti Es una canción, un teatro y a ti Ahora sin remordimientos ni disculpas Ni una mala excusa que dar para olvidar La conciencia tranquila Una paz profunda A mi modo he dado todo lo que soy Ahora puedo decirlo mas alto Pero no puedo mas c

Don't Give Up - Alice Cooper

Don't Give Up Alice Cooper Lyrics: Yeah, I know you're struggling right now We all are - in different ways It's like a new world that we don't even know It's hard to sleep… even harder to dream But look: you've got 7 billion brothers and sisters all in the same boat So don't panic. Life has a way of surviving and going on and on We're not fragile - and we sure don't break easy You know it's so hard to cope When you're just hoping there's hope We're all hanging on by a thread We're all staring at the razor's edge But we're not going to step off the ledge No Our enemy is a cold, indiscriminate monster It doesn't care if you're old or newborn… It exists to kill You and I are nothing to it It has no heart or soul or conscience Do we fear it? Yeah Do we cower before it? Hell no We're the blood and guts human race… And we win You know that it's right So

Death By Rock And Roll - The Pretty Reckless

Death By Rock And Roll The Pretty Reckless Lyrics: Jenny died of suicide With a candle burnin' in her eye But on my tombstone when I go Just put "Death by Rock and Roll" John forgot what he was on But he broke the needle, dead and gone But on my tombstone when I go Just put "Death by Rock and Roll" I wanna go with a shotgun blast I wanna go with a woman on her back I wanna go with balls, I won't pray I wanna go with a spiral in my veins I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go out my way Amy shot and killed a man With a gun too heavy in her hand But on my tombstone when I go Just put "Death by Rock and Roll" Jamie had steel in her bones But she burned away, blood into stone But on my tombstone when I go Just put "Death by Rock and Roll" I wanna go with a shotgun blast I wanna go with a woman on her back I wanna go with this sickness in my throat I wanna go, killed by Rock an